Monday 14 January 2008

First love

nudo,  Image Hosting

First love
In the rainny day ........
I met her on the street
The clothes in wet
Her thin skirt is stick her body
I was amazing with her beauty
I can see her pant in lines
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant

In the summer...........
shinning day lights
In the park
She is sitting on the green grass
Her trouser is blue Jeans
I saw her in T red pant
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant

In the hottest day ......
She took off her clothes
On the beach .............
I saw her in the green pant
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant

In the valinetine day
I borught her a lovely dinner
with canddle light ......
She was in my room
I took off her clothes
I saw her in pink pant
But, I said her ..........
with whisper shaking voice
Darling ............
I won't touch your pant
And she said .....
Don't worry
and ..................
She took off herself.

Compose by Michaelko

I risk my life for you

I risk my life for you
My sweet heart
I can not write well
When I have no feeling
I can not work well
When I have you in thoughts
My mind have patterns
I have creative problems
without you .....
Sometime I am feeling
Vaccum in my in my heart
If, the shape of Universe
Is " YOU "
I could agree
About this theory
Darling .................
Writting means .....
Risk of my life
My love
My heart
My blood
My time
My money
My sweet heart Baby
If you are not in love
With me .................
I will take to risk
My life in Poem's River

Compose by Michaelko

I risk my life for you

I risk my life for you
My sweet heart
I can not write well
When I have no feeling
I can not work well
When I have you in thoughts
My mind have patterns
I have creative problems
without you .....
Sometime I am feeling
Vaccum in my in my heart
If, the shape of Universe
Is " YOU "
I could agree
About this theory
Darling .................
Writting means .....
Risk of my life
My love
My heart
My blood
My time
My money
My sweet heart Baby
If you are not in love
With me .................
I will take to risk
My life in Poem's River

Compose by Michaelko

My desires

My desires
Darling ..........
Without seeing
The keyboard
I can not type
Bcos, I love you
Darling .........
Wthout seeing
The map
I can not drive
Bcos, I love you
Darling ..........
Without seeing
The Music notes
I can not play Voilin
Bcos, I love you
Darling .........
Without kissing
Your face and lips
I can not Sex
Bcos, I love you...

Compose by Michaelko

Blonde Girl

I saw her blue eyes
Twinkling and shining
Like the falling starsWhen I saw her
On the street corner
I said " Hi "
She said " Hi " back
And I gave her A smile
Day after day
I thought to give her flowers
And AN engagement ring
Then I saw her on the street
She was talking to another Man
I gave her the Flowers and the Ring
She asked me ....
Who are you ?

Compose by Michaelko .....edit by Melissa

A message from Lady Lylia :)

Come to NY ;this is the ultimate experience in the world .Youre welcome here in Long Island.I will be there to meet you .This is the invite ;as follows read this :XANGO BUSINESS MEETING IN BROOKLYN NY (See Description for Details)
Thu Jan 24 7pm – 9pm at the Marriott Hotel
(Eastern Time)
333 Adams St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 (map) MARRIOTT HOTEL
Calendar: Frank and Lylia Stevenson invitation to only 4 people on this planet and youre one of them.LOL

Dear Lylia ...I want na tocome to there...But, I am in busy at hte moment ... See you later. Thanks for your kindnesses.Miko