Tuesday 18 March 2008

When we parted

When we parted

The Sun light jumpped .......
From the window into my room
I was in my bed .....
My sensitive skin wake up me
I still colsed my eyes
Because, I won't face the sun light
I knew by heart ....
When we parted ....

Oh my darling ....
I heard your calling to me
My sensitive ears is listening
I was in my bed ....
I couldn't hear your voice
I still closed my eyes
You could run away
My sensitive sense know
Though, you tiptoed to bed with me
I was aware you at once ....
I knew by heart .....
When we parted ....

Oh my darling ....
In the dinning room ....
When i saw your empty chair
I couldn't eat anymore
Though the supper was, i loved
My mind was flying away to you

Oh my darling ....
Every things is silent without you
Every things is uncertain without you
Every things is unplesant without you
I knew by heart .......
When we parted ......

Oh my darling ....
My love's lighthouse
Disappeared by dense fog
I can not show you
My lighten heart
How could i do ?
I remembering you
The same of your smile
The same of your laugh
The same of your scent
I knew by heart ....
When we parted ....

compose by Michaelko

Am i a careless person?

Am i a careless person?
I am a careless person
That the words you said
In that day.........
I had a pain in my heart
When you need me
You won't say
Like this words .....
Isn't it ....?

I always scared to lose you
But, I have to say you that
You thought about me
Like a flower .......
Isn't it.....?
When you need the flower
You will put in your head
Later, the following day
You will throw it away
Isn't it.....?

For the moment
I 've lived in your head
As a little flower
I could be happy
Just , a little moment
I was in your head
I could be satisfied
I appreciated it
For my the whole life

My darling ....
You can say that ?
Am I a careless person?

compose by Michaelko