Saturday 15 March 2008

I am seeing your face :)

I am seeing your face

My darling sweet heart ...
While i was living in a far away place
I was closing my eyes in a chair
But, I am seeing your face
At the present ....

My darling sweet heart ...
While i was living in my room
I was closing my eyes in my bed
But, I am seeing your face
At the present ....

My darling sweet heart ...
While i was travelling in a joinery
I was closing my eyes in the bus seat
But, I am seeing your face
At the present .....

My darling sweet heart ...
While i was lying in a beach bank
I was closing my eyes
But, I am seeing your face
At the present ....

My darling sweet heart ...
While i was lying in green grass
I was closing my eyes
But, I am seeing your face
At the present ....

compose by Miko :)

Seeing different things ;)

Seeing different things

When i closing my eyes
I imagine the blue sky
When thinking about you
I can see your face
In the clouds ..........

When i was living away with you
I was in a beach
When seeing in the sea
I can hear your voices
From the waves ............

When i was walking alone
I was in the botanical garden
When looking at the flowers
I can get your scent of body
From those flowers .....

compose by Michaelkoko :)

Flower's lovER :)



The cool breeze wind my face
I knew that ... you wake me up
I won't pick up the flowers
In this time darling

My darling ...who lover of flowers
I love the flowers that you love
When the wind bring of my LOVe's scent
You will breath it ... that i knew
My darling ...I will bring of my love
With the flowers of you loved ....
I knew ...that you will love it
When i pick up the flowers
I will softly pick up by myself
And I will bring it for you immediately
So, you can breath my scent of LOVe's flowers

compose by Miko :)