Tuesday 15 January 2008

A way of being lover

A way of being lover
The day , I kiss you
In your Birthday
A way of my love
as a present

The day , I sex you
In your high school final day
On the sand beach
Under the stary sky
Hours and Hours
Until the next day
A way of my love
as our first sex

The day , I gave you
In our graduration day
for marrige's ceremony
A golden ring
Put in your hand
I asked for you
A way of my love
as my wife

The day , I signed you
On the court's day
All of My money and properties
For your new life
Until I am a poor man
As my last gift .....
A way of Being love
To you darling....

Compose by Michaelko
( A chit so tar myat see ma par buu so tae...min ko chit mi te a twe ko bae lok kan sar nay ya tar so tar bae thu thi naing mar le ...min ka lwe lo pot lay...?.......ko ka bae lok chit tha le so tar min ta nay kya yin thi lar mar par......chawye, chitte ko)

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