Tuesday 11 March 2008

I'll risk my life for you ( New version )

I'll risk my life for you
My sweet heart darling
I can not write well
When I have no feeling
I can not work well
When I have you in thoughts
My mind have patterns
I have creative problems
without you .....
Sometime I am feeling
Vaccum in my heart
If , the shape of Universe
Is " YOU "
I could agree
About this theory
Darling ....
Writing poems means ....
Risk of my life
My love
My heart
My blood
My time
My money
My sweet heart Baby
If you are not in love
With me ........
Please, don't forget about it :(
I will take A risk ... that
I will finish ....
My life is in A Poem's River

Compose by Michaelko

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