Thursday 20 March 2008

A price of Wink ;)

A price of Wink
My Darling ....
I created a heart
With out your consent

My Darling ....
I wanted to keep
That my heart
As Life present
With my consent

My Darling ....
I will keep your
Smiling eyes
As our agreement
For my life present

My Darling ....
I will keep your
Magnetic lips
In my heart museum
As our agreement
For my life present

My Darling ....
After our agreement
As A success ...
I will give a kiss
When, you can give me
A wink ....
I will catch it
At mili-nano-second
With my eyes

My darling ....
I will sell your
Wink as a paint
In E-bay ....
One Billions dollars
My darling ...
Can you give me
Your consent ?

Compose by Michaelko

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