Saturday 19 April 2008

An iron cage's a little bird :(

An iron cage's a little bird :(
The silent of ocean's surface

Become …

The unknown waves …

The Ocean was woken up by the storm

The LOVe's storm come …

My life is woken up by you

My darling ………

Are you kidding me

A cage bird to fly

In his cage ……

To reach you ….

It is not easy for me

I have to flee before

I could fly with you

If you just saying to me

As a greeting like others

That it is fine …

I will stay in this cage

If you really invite me

For the whole life with you

I could flee from this cage

My darling ….

Don't forget about it

My desire is almost

To depend on you
My sweet heart darling ...

Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008

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