Saturday 12 April 2008

Mr.Moon and me ( Sea ;)

Mr.Moon and me ( Sea ;)

My darling .....
I am a Sea .......

While darkness across
On my body ...
I wished to come Mr.Moon
To light upon me
I was waiting for this moment
With my heart beatings
My darling ........
I was so scared the darkness
So, I shouted to the world
And my voices came as waves
But, Mr. Moon didn't hear my voices
Just only he left for me.. shadow of clouds
And He run away ...
But, i wasn't satisfied
With his little blue light

I shouted as a Storm ...
Because , I was missing Mr. Moon
I just missing his cool moon light
My darling ..........
If he didn't come back
I will wait for him tomorrow ...again

Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008

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