Sunday 18 May 2008

The dried flowers under my pillow :(

The dried flowers under my pillow

Darling sweet heart baby
When i'm crying, my tears come down to you as a sea
The trees are falling the leaves to you as my love letters
When the flowers were near to me .....
i didn't care to kiss
I really didn't know about the value of the flowers
They were blossomed for me ..... i didn't care to kiss
I though , it might be always for me.. that i believed
Burt, now they were gone away from me forever
I didn't know why i was so careless them ... oh my darling
Please, forgive me that I will leave a sad song for you
When you brought your scent of smell that i forgot to breath
That i regretted that ......

I will be never to get the scent of yours, again
When you were blossomed ... it was only once that i realised
But, Darling..... i will be never to forget you from my heart
Darling ... i will keep you as the dried leaves of the flowers

That i loved ........ the dried flowers on your behalf
After ..... you left for me under my pillow .....
Darling my sweet heart baby ..........

Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008

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