Monday 12 May 2008

Is It about your love, my darling ... ?

Is It about your love, my darling ... ?

My darling .........
The day you looked my eyes
Without any words
Still i remembered that
It was about kindnesses
That i can translate
About it ......
Isn't it my darling ... ?

My darling .........
The day you looked my eyes
Without any words
Still i remembered that
It was about your touching
That i can translate
About it ......
Isn't it my darling ... ?

My darling .........
The day you looked my eyes
Without any words
Still i remembered that
It was about your persuading
That i can translate
About it ......
Isn't it my darling ... ?

My darling .........
The day you looked my eyes
Without any words
Still i remembered that
It was about your passion
That i can translate
About it ......
Isn't it my darling ... ?

My darling .........
The day you looked my eyes
Without any words
And you closed your eyes, slowly
And you smiled with a shyness
It was about your love
That i can translate
About it ......
Isn't it my darling ... ?

Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008

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