Saturday, 31 May 2008
When i am unhappy :(
If i am a road for you
On your way ...
I will be very happy
If i am a tree for you
In your life garden
I will be very happy
If i am a mirror for you
In your bath room
I will be very happy
If i am a guitar for you
In your singing songs,
I will be very happy
If i am a little bird for you
In your iron cage
I will be very happy
If i am a light bulb
In your bed room ...
When you switch off
I will be unhappy
My darling ........
Compose by Michaelko
The lonely railway station :(
My darling .....
I am walking on the road
Alone , silently ....
This journey is long for me
It is life- long journey .... without you
Too hard ... Too paint .... Too hurt
My darling ......
I am travelling without you
I'm hearing the voices of the train
After you left me .....
On the way, back to home ....
I'm missing you ... so much
My mind could not flee from you
The train is driving ... on his way
He left the lonely railway station
But, I don't know my self ...
Which is it the best way
That i am walking ... ?
I know my mom gave me
The best love from her
My darling .....
But, I want to get it ... from you
The best love .... But ,
Bitterness only my friend
I know my mom will wait for me
In the lonely railway station
For my train, arrival ......
I know surely about it .......
I am travelling without you
I'm hearing the voices of the train
After you left me .....
On the way, back to home ....
I'm missing you ... so much
My mind could not flee from you
The train is driving ... on his way
He left the lonely railway station
But, I don't know my self ...
Which is it the best way
That i am walking ... ?
I know my mom gave me
The best love from her
Compose by Michaelko
Friday, 30 May 2008
Do you want to ignore me ? :(
Do you want to ignore me ?
One hundred thousand died
Millions of people homeless
Millions of people diseased
Millions of people displaced
Do you want to ignore me ?
Who will you save my life ?
I am a survivor of ...
A destructive cyclone
I am a little boy
Where are my parents ?
Where are my brothers ?
Where are my sisters ?
Where are my friends ?
I have no food
Do you want to ignore me ?
Who can take care me ?
I want to sleep , in safety
I want to eat , in safety
I want to play , in safety
I want to go to the school , again
I want to see people like my parents
I escaped from the death
Can you bring me your home , please ?
I am a survivor of ...
A destructive cyclone
I am a little boy ....
Please help me ....
With your love and kindness .....
Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
My deeply love
the sweetest love stories of this world
I think , you can't find
There is no sample to me
How much i did love, deeply
With you ... in this world
My love .... without you ...
It is impossible to create my arts
It is impossible to live my days
It is impossible to build my home
You need every time with me
Every second of i am inhaling
With the air to my blood
You need every time with me
Every second of i am living
With the blood to my beating heart
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
About my love upon you
I will ask to the shining Stars
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
You are the rays of my life
You are the shadow of my life
You are the soul of my life
My deeply love
In this world of love stories
I think , you can't find
There is no sample to me
How much i did love deeply
With you ... in this world
My love .... without you ...
It is impossible to create my arts
It is impossible to live my days
It is impossible to build my home
You need every time with me
Every second of i am inhaling
With the air to my blood
You need every time with me
Every second of i am living
With the blood to my beating heart
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
About my love upon you
I will ask to the shining Stars
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
I am sure to say that ...
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
They can't not answer
You are the rays of my life
You are the shadow of my life
You are the soul of my life
I will pray to my lord
Even, i don't have a chance now
I still holding my hope to you
My love and desire
Will never end with you
I believe that
You will also miss to me
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
I'm still touching my lips with my fingers ... :(
My darling ...........
Your heart's beats
I still remember , now
It wasn't illusion of my imagine
Your sweetest love words
I still hear , now
It wasn't confusion of yours
That i knew about it
I always excited with your
Scent of perfume ....
That i remembered
By only my heart ......
My darling ......
From a far place
Before you arrive in front of me
I recognized about your scent
With the cool wind form the sea
Nobody know this place
In our secret Villa
Near the blue beach
When i kissed you neck
You eyes were closing
Like a little cat
On my chest ....
My darling .....
Your heart's beats
I still remember , now
It wasn't illusion of my imagine
Your sweetest love words
I still hear , now
It wasn't confusion of yours
That i knew about it
My darling .....
When i remember you
In the time ....
I'm still touching my lips
With my fingers ...
Do you know about it ?
My daring sweet heart
Compose by Michaelko
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Songs of silent , in the secret beach :(
Whilst, i am coming to you
In the time ..... long ago
You welcomed warmly
In the beach of kindness
Now, no where you are ....
I am looking for you
Along the beach of kindness
No where you are .....
I am calling to the ocean
From the beach of kindness
The tides and waves
Told me your news
Even, they didn't see you
My darling ...........
I was tired by you
In the secret beach of us
I wanted to listen your love songs
Once upon a time ....
You sang the songs beside me
In this beach ....
I kisses your body ..... tirelessly
I touched your body ..... tirelessly
I did love with my soul .... tirelessly
Before ......... you leave me
Why don't you tell me a word ?
My darling sweet heart ......
Compose by Michaelko
You can see My heart , in the blue Ocean =) ( New version )
Our LOVe's paradise, LOVe island, LOVe beach ;) Apr 18, '08 8:07 PM
:) You can see My heart , in the blue Ocean =) <3
( New version )
My Darling .............
We are living in ...
This paradise of island
In this small island ...
When the Sun rays visit to us
Look at the Ocean
Of this LOVE beach
You can see the Stars
You can see the Fishes
you can see the Seaweeds
you can see the Sparkling White sand
You can see the Twinkles
You can see the Milky ways
And .....
You can see My heart
In the blue Ocean ..... ;)
My darling ............
When the Moon visit to us
Look at the sky
You can see the Stars
You can see the Fishes
You can see the Seaweeds
You can see the Sparkling White sand
You can see the Twinkles
You can see the Milky ways
And .....
You can see My heart
In the Starry sky .. :)
Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008