Tuesday, 12 February 2008

fit 4fat ;)

Jan 24, '08 2:32 PM
by Lena for group happygarden

At first I was in a state of denial but when I tried on an old-formal-slacks and found that it was 2 inches short for its ends to meet no matter how much i pull, I finally conceded. I am fat!

Where did all the excess fat, weight, poundage, come from? When? Five years of no exercise, tons of junk food, 912.5 kilos of rice ( that's half a kilo a day for 5 years ) added milligram per milligram, that progressed to gram, then to kilogram per kilogram to my body mass. ( Yes, I use metric, for the English system has been replaced since the 70's )

I used to maintain a weight of 98-105 lbs. (Hahaha. I use pounds here for it's easier to visualize lbs than kilos. I could have used metric and it would have read like this: I used to weigh 44.4545 -47.7272 kilos... no impact). My daily physical activities then usually consisted of aero/gym, jogging, tennis and ballroom dancing. I was freaking fit!

I was so fit I used to get all the gold medals in the annual Rotary Olympics.I was so fit I joined aero marathons. I was so fit I was able to run after my husband's pick-up truck, climbed up the back, pry open the sun roof, got hold of my husband's hair and that of his companion, bonked their heads together, and lived happily ever after.

I must weigh about 54 kilos now (120 lbs). I do not want to be fat. i don't feel healthy.I do not want to pass the half century mark in Metric and the century mark in the English. What to do?!

There's this famous person (I forgot who) who said that it is alright to be overweight as long as you feel comfortable and confident being in that state. Crap to the max!! How can one feel comfortable if you have layers of you stomach all bunched-up somewhere in the vicinity of your "supposed" lower abs? How can you feel confident if your silhouette looks like a top or a pear?

If you are cozy and positive with your present weight and at this very moment believes that you are the essence of gorgeousness and healthiness, then, good for you. I just hope that what you feel is how you look.

I just trust that you are not one of those who insist on wearing tight-body-hugging shirts and butt-wedging shorts or uber-short-skirts. Nothing wrong, actually, in wearing these types, as long as you are not related to Heimlich. (You don't know Heimlich?)

My ideal body weight, counting height and body built, is 98 - 110 lbs. There were times that my weight plummeted to 96 lbs from my usual 103 lbs. ( Major contributing factor for the weight loss: stress; not advisable)

I admire those who despite their inadequacies ( read: being overweight ) are confident and happy with themselves. Kudos to you! As for me, I will continue to rant about my excess mass. I will envision that I can lose the excesses and be a 98 lb-tonemuscled-unlinedface grandma!

What?!...... I can dream, can't I?

To my LOVER :)

To my LOVER :)
Today, My heart is beating .......
But, It is different, before I had
My hope and desire ...............
Muchmore stronger than ever
Today, When i saw your face
At the moment ...........
I was born again for " Love "
My darling sweet heart ......

Compose by Michaelko

Because, I love you :)

Because, I love you

Darling .........
Can I sit in your eyes ?
Because, I want to know
What are you seeing in things
Please, Let me know ........?

Darling .........
Can I sleep in your ears ?
Because, I want to know
What are you listening in things
Please, Let me know ........?

Darling .........
Can I live in your hairs ?
Because, I want to know
What are you thinking in things ;)
Please, Let me know ........?

Darling .........
Can I live in your Virgina ?
Because, " I LOVE YOU "

Compose by Michaelko

Humble Flower :)

Lady Lylia Stevenson sent me today

Hi Miko
I wrote this one a few years ago .It really represent me as a person at that time .

Humble Flower
Where are you from, humble flower?
Says the botanist of the tower
To the lily in the field below
I am the sweet one of the row
Of flowers which adorn all those
Who have the sweet smell of the rose
Where the heart of mankind beats
I am the sweet one who repeats
The echo of the loving hearts
Which lies down below the tomb
Old memories of the mother's womb
I am always there to remind you
Of the old ones in your mind
They are gone, but my humility
Always meek in its sublimity
Will simply last forever

By Lylia Stevenson