Friday, 8 February 2008

I declared to you ... I meant LOVE is .... ;)

I declared to you ... I meant LOVE is .... ;)
LOvE is a A Flower
LOvE is a Calculus ( A kind of Maths )
LOvE is a Thief
LOvE is a Stravation
LOvE is a Winning Lottery
LOvE is a Hypnotism
LOvE is a Protoplasm ( A transparent liquid ;)
LOvE is a Para- Bola ( A line of curve)
LOvE is a Voyage
LOvE is a Seed of you
LOvE is a Stranger
LOvE is a ZERO price
LOvE is a Rhymeless POEM
LOvE is a Enigama
LOvE is a Embryo
LOvE is a Kind of Vitamin
LOvE is a Today
Love as Zephyr ( A soft gentle wind )
LOve don't need a visa ;)

LOve can make a MAN
LOve can make a Woman
LOve can kill you
LOve can alive you
LOve can understand the laws
LOve can change your believes
LOve can explode like A Volcano
LOve can speak All kind of langauges ;)
LOve rules the Civilizations
LOve govern the Nations
LOve beat DRUMS
LOve travel to Glaxies and Universe
LoVe is SPORT ;)
LOve is AC current ( Alternative electricity;)
LOve have Re-Action
LOve have Endless POINT ;)
LOve is faster than the SPEED of LIGHT
LOve is a LINE of PARABOLA ( A curve of line ;)
LOve is DIGITs ( 1 and o ;)
LOve is a MAGIC
Love is a FLOWER ;)
LOVe as NAKED ;)

Compose by Michaelko ;)