Our love's agreement
My darling ......
After you left me ....
My heart feeling is so bad
My heart is pain in deepest parts
All the time ........
Now, we have to re-think between us
I always imagine like this .......
When I'm sleeping in your breasts
My life is so peaceful time my darling ....
When you're sleeping in my chest
My life is a complete man by your touch
When i get your kindnesses
My life is in luxurious days
When you behave like a child
My love is in bliss
When i do like a child
Your patient is like my Mom
In the future ....
I will try to serve to you
As your Slave .....
I will try to know about you
As my Queen ....
I will try to care about you
As my Wife .......
Real love is give and take
Between us my Darling
If some one might be wrong
We have to forgive each other in the future
So, we will not get any heart pains
Do you agree with me ?
My darling sweet heart ....
Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
You will get the bliss with my love :)
My Darling ...........
When i am away from you
Please, do not cry alone .....
There is no body to wipe out
With handkerchief .....
Your tears drops from your cheeks
When i am near you
Please, do cry in my chest
So, I can tightly hug your body
The whole night ....
And i will wipe out
Your tear drops from your cheeks
With my handkerchief .....
Is it all right my darling sweet heart ... ?
My Darling ..........
When i am away from you
Please, do not wait till' mid-night
There is no body to sing the Love's songs
For you till .... fall in sleep
When i am near you
Please, do listen in my chest
So, you will hear my heart beatings
And i will play my old guitar
With my Love's song for you
The whole night ....
So, you can fall in sleep
In my chest ... with my melodies
And my heart beatings ....
Is it all right my darling sweet heart .... ?
Compose by Michaelko
I won't let it go :(
My darling .........
You are my queen ........
Let me do as your shadow
So, i can follow you all the time
Let me do as your shoes
So, i can follow you all the time
Let me do as your hair clips
So, i can follow you all the time
Let me do as your ear rings
So, i can follow you all the time
Let me do as your tattoo
So, i can follow you all the time
Let me do as your hang bag
So, i can follow you all the time
But ..... my darling .......
I won't do it , only one thing
It is .... Please, do not make
As your wedding ring ....
I won't let it go ...
My darling sweet heart
Compose by Michaelko
My love, Thank you for your the sweetest smiles :)
My darling sweet heart .........
Your the most warmth
Sweetest of your smiles
I'm remembering to you
Because, it made me
Cool and silent in my heart
Your gentle smiles
I wanted to record
As a photograph
To keep for thousand years
In my Love's museum
You hold my hand, softly
And you turned your face to me
Smiled to me, very warmly
I'm remembering to you
Because, it made me
Confidence and calm in my heart
Your gentle smiles
I wanted to make you
As a Golden statue
To keep for thousand years
In my Love's museum
Thanks you for coming in ...
My desertic life ....
My hopeless life ...
My lonely life
My sweet dreamless life
My careless life
My kiss less life
My waterless stream life
My bliss less life
Thanks you my darling ....
For your sensitive love
For your honorable love
For your sincere love
And .............
Thank you for .....
the most warmth
Sweetest of your smiles
My darling sweet heart
Compose by Michaelko
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