Let me greet to you with Irish language 

When you look at me
With your blues eyes
My heart is feeling
Like flowing a river
With ice water
In my body
When you speaking
With Irish language
" Conasa a tatu ?"
And .... I will answer you
" Tá mé go maith."
I felt so much excited
About it my darling
It was like St. Patrick day
In my heart .........
Your smile and your eyes
Persuaded me at my heart
My darling ....
Please teach me your language
Every day in my life
I wanted to speak
With you darling ....
Especially with you
And with your language
After you teach me Irish language
Don't leave me alone, any more
Please don't says to me
When you have to go away
" Slán agat " my Darling ....
I wanted to be with you
All of mine, the whole life
Please don't teach me
The words that ....
"Good bye = Slan agat "
My darling ...
I won't hear about it
Just, only for this word
For me, darling ...
Just says to me ..
" Dia is Muire duit "
Compose by Michaelko
( Conas atá tú ? How are you?.,Tá mé go maith ....I'm doing well.,
Slan agat = Good bye ., Dia is Muire duit = God and Mary with you.,)