Saturday 8 March 2008

Why the flower are going to die

Why? the flower are going to die, my darling
The flowers are going to be tired i think
My eyes are going to be tears down
The leaves are falling down on the ground
In this moment i missing you so much
My darling ....My mind is flying away
When the birds are singing to me
My mind is playing in full amount of thoughts
When i listening the birds singing
I can't control my tears down
For me daring ... it is hottest moment
In my heart ... my darling sweet heart
The Summer are going to dry the stream
The flowers are going to die soon
My soul are can not control anymore
The lonely birds are going to sing
For their songs until .... they can be found
By lovers ... before they sleep
For me darling .... I will sing a song
Until i will be slept by you ....

Compose by Michaelkoko

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