Monday 7 April 2008

I will tell you how the Meteors will die

I will tell you how the Meteors will die
Today, The Stars and Mon ....
They will have to celebrate
Astrological party in the sky
I want to watch my darling ...
If i can not come at once
To be with you tonight ....
Please, forget me ...
My darling ...
When the stars and Moon
Will disappear in the sky
I will be near to you ...
With tiptoe on my feet

Sometime, you will see
That I am crying ...
My darling ...
When the Meteors are exploded
Before they will die ...
Twisting and turning
They were sheared
By high-altitude winds...
In the time ....
I can not control my tears ...
My darling... my heart is so soft
So, when you hear ....
My crying of sound ...
Please , come near for me
Be encouraged my weaken heart
If you hear my crying ...
And i will explain you
How they are so beautiful things
Even, they will die ....

Compose by Michaelko

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