Saturday 5 April 2008

My darling .. the Moon and Stars will smile to you on my behalf

My darling .. the Moon and Stars will smile to you on my behalf

My darling ....
I am missing you too much
So, i watched in the time ...
And .. The moon face become
Smiling to me ...
So, i did shyly smile to the Mr. Moon
The stars were winking each others
They were joking to me
Because, they know i am so much
Missing about you ...
They know about me my darling ...
Even, you could forget about me
I see the stars and smiled them
So, they gave me back smiles :)
And we become dear friends
My darling ... when you miss me
Look on the sky ...
So, you can see the smiling Mr. Moon
You can see the smiling the Stars ...
On my behalf ......
My darling sweet heart ...

Compose by Michaelko

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