Saturday 17 May 2008

My Last LOVE's appeal in her love's special High Court ( New version )

My Last LOVE's appeal in her love's special High Court

My darling...
I wanted to summit my last love's appeal
To your Love's special high court
Please, leave to settle ....
My Love's case is to explain you
After you refused my explanation
Here again ... my darling
Because, i love you so much
Do not run away from me
Any more .......

My darling sweet heart ...
I will explain you, now
In the day ...
When you saw us
On the way to library
In the rainy day ...
I gave her my umbrella
Because , she is look like you
She is not involved with me
Any love affairs ...
Please, don't leave me
Alone, any more ...

When you saw me from ....
The place ... that it was a little far
And it was heavily a rainy day
So, you can't see me, properly
And clearly, that i could say to you
You accused me that i kissed her
It was wrong accusation by the conditions
If i explain to you , here , again
I just helped her when she dropped my umbrella
I kissed her right face cheek , accidentally
When i picked up the umbrella for her
In the time, the strong wind brought her body near me
So, it was your misunderstanding about me
Please, do not give your love
Any other men .... my darling sweet heart

If you hear my last love's appeal
You will understand my love
My Love is ... i gave it to you
All of my life and kindnesses
My darling .........
Before you make the right decision
My love case .... upon to you
Review all of my LOVE,
My Words .......
My Touches ......
My Kisses ......
My tear drops
In your Love's special high court
Please, kindly think about
When we loved those days
I kissed your lips ....
I hugged your body ...
I loved you very gently
Please, consider all those things
Involved in my last Love's appeal

Compose by Michaelko Copyright ©2008

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