First love
In the rainny day ........
I met her on the street
The clothes in wet
Her thin skirt is stick her body
I was amazing with her beauty
I can see her pant in lines
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant
In the summer...........
shinning day lights
In the park
She is sitting on the green grass
Her trouser is blue Jeans
I saw her in T red pant
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant
In the hottest day ......
She took off her clothes
On the beach .............
I saw her in the green pant
But, I thought ............
I won't touch her pant
In the valinetine day
I borught her a lovely dinner
with canddle light ......
She was in my room
I took off her clothes
I saw her in pink pant
But, I said her ..........
with whisper shaking voice
Darling ............
I won't touch your pant
And she said .....
Don't worry
and ..................
She took off herself.
Compose by Michaelko
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